Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Work in Progress

This week I have learned a couple important lessons and I realized that these are things that could be shared with others. I refuse to admit that I am conforming to this so called blog thing since I like to see myself as a non-conformer. However, I would like to look at it as online journalism. I used to be a fantastic journal writer and have since epically failed. The title of this post is not only relevant to the fact that I am still trying to figure out how a blog works but to myself. I am a work in progress. This week has only gone to prove that and in my attempt to better myself I hope to maybe share a piece of myself with others that many don't get to see. A friend of mine (Ryan Joyner) haha once told me that sometimes people don't see this part of me. The vulnerable part. I hope to change that a bit.
Before I go into the events of this week I should give you a bit of a background. For the past year I have been working towards getting into the nursing program. I applied once last year and didn't get in. I was discouraged but once more set out to work even harder. I recently applied again and that is where this week comes in. On Tuesday I went to pick up my notification letter to see if I got accepted this second time around. As I opened the letter to see the words "we regret to inform you" heart shattered. I couldn't believe that once more I wasn't smart enough or good enough to get in. I couldn't comprehend why this would happen again when I know that the Lord wants me to do nursing. I started arguing with the Lord in my head (piece of advice: don't EVER do that). I felt like my life was in limbo, there isn't really a direction I am headed and I felt lost. Something that has come from this week is the realization that EVERYTHING is in the Lord's timing. He will bless me when the time is right. For now, I just work even harder.
This same day I decided that it was going to be a no facebook week (didn't work out) because it was going to be a busy hectic week. I made my roommate change my password for me but there was the problem of facebook still being on my phone. Me, being the brilliant technician I am decided that I would just reset my settings so that facebook would make me re-log in but since I didn't know my new password I wouldn't be tempted by it. Upon doing so, I soon realized that it reset my whole phone and deleted everything! 261 contacts GONE. It turns out not only could I not go on facebook but I couldn't even text. Needless to say, it has been a really productive week haha. So I apologize if anyone calls or texts and I ask "who is this?"
Anyway sorry this is such a long post. Hopefully they won't all be this way but I felt like someone out there needed to read what I had to say.  

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